Providing a positive impact in favor of people, the planet and the prosperity - for a better tomorrow of our next generations.


Economic Efficiency

The overarching goal of the company is to maintain and expand its permanent presence on the respective markets - in the interests of the owner and the employees. This presence can only be secured through appropriate profitability and thus through long-term economic success.

Therefore, the following pillars are of central importance for Matrix Fine Chemicals:

  • ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction and productivity 
  • the commitment of the employees to safeguard and increase the profitability of the company.

Every employee should be able to contribute actively and consciously to these overarching goals within their area of responsibility.

Economic Efficiency

Social Responsibility

Matrix Fine Chemicals undertakes to respect international human rights within its sphere of influence and to reject any type of forced or child labor – including that of business partners.
All employees are committed to the principle of mutual respect. Discrimination of any kind - due to national origin, skin color, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, etc. - contradicts the Matrix Fine Chemicals corporate culture.
Matrix Fine Chemicals recognizes the right of all employees to adequate remuneration. Compliance with legal regulations and specifications on working hours is a matter of course. In addition, Matrix Fine Chemicals respects the right of all employees to freedom of association.
Matrix Fine Chemicals sees a planned, permanent qualification of the employees in technical, methodical and social terms as a significant investment in the future in order to be able to successfully meet the increasing and diverse requirements of the markets and the working world.
Companies are run by people. Our employees have a decisive influence on the success of Matrix Fine Chemicals. That is why protecting their health, avoiding injuries and maintaining their ability to work are both human and business concerns. The qualification, sensitization and regular training are essential bases that work, and health protection is anchored in the actions of our employees.
Environmental protection and energy efficiency are important obligations for Matrix Fine Chemicals on the way to achieving the formulated company goals and for every employee an indispensable aspect...
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Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility

UN Global Compact

Apart from the principles stated above we support and commit to the UN Global Compact program. The Global Compact is an agreement by which companies are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption. The first task of the Global Compact, i.e. the world’s corporate citizenship initiative, includes 12,000 participants in over 145 countries, is to promote business as a legitimate force in society and identify markets to target. Joining the Global Compact means sharing the conviction that business practices based on a number of universally-recognized principles contribute to the emergence of more stable, more equitable and more open and dynamic societies and a more prosperous global market. 

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The global goals

In connection with the UN Global Compact we aligned our sustainability program to the 17 ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is a call for action in favor of people, the planet and the prosperity. Annually, sustainable projects are defined and prioritized taking into account their involvement in the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) with an integrated and indivisible nature that encompasses the economic, social and environmental spheres. 

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EcoVadis recognition for CSR efforts

Since its inception in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world's largest and most trusted provider of corporate sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 assessed companies.

We have a strong awareness of acting sustainably in our daily work. Our efforts in "The Global Goals" and "UN Global Compact" as well as in the "Responsible Care" program are certainly a combination of our sustainability activities.

Matrix Fine Chemicals has been awarded a Bronze rating, which places the company in the top 35 percent of global companies assessed by EcoVadis in four areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

We thank all our partners for their support!

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Responsible Care®

Responsible Care is an initiative of the International Council of Chemical Associations (CICA) and the global chemical industry. With the support of scienceindustries (the Swiss trade association for chemistry, pharmaceuticals and life science), we continually strive to improve the protection of health, safety and environmental performance, while communicating with stakeholders about the products and processes. Responsible Care is the ethical foundation that allows the creation of essential products that contribute to a sustainable future. These new products and new technologies are worldwide efforts to reduce energy consumption, minimize greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and reduce the ecological footprint of human activities on our planet and its resources.

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